
Monday, July 14, 2003

DAY 1 – July 5th

4:15 AM


Quote of the Day: “What about second breakfast?”
~~What about sleep, dangit?~~

music: One Minute Man ~ missy e (radio mix)

Bloody HELL. 4:15AM. That’s right. AM. God. My mother thought I was ridiculous when I woke up at 5 on schooldays. Well, at least I went back to sleep for an hour after getting dressed.

I didn’t sleep at ALL. I had the fan on in my room, but it was pretty much useless considering I sleep against the bleeding wall. I was cooked alive *sigh. Yesterday (vero’s b-day) was fun, though. The only problem is I have to return Vero’s charm. She showed me her bracelet, complete with new charms, and the very last one was her zodiac sign, the one I got her. I started cursing and Dia was cracking up. T__T. Dang. But later we’re gonna get to9gether again and Vero and I8 are gonna beat her ass in Super Smash Bros.^.^



Alright. Made it safe and sound into the best city in the U. S. of A. Here’s how thins went.

the drive: The drive was okay. We almost got lost a few times but made it. It’s remarkable how after you leave Quebec. Everything becomes English ^.^ Lots of roadkill, though. Not pretty. Driving through Boston was amazing, but we’re in Yarmouth (Cape Cod) so we might not get to see much of it. Which sucks. I wanted to see the Aquarium and check out the grounds of Boston University, which I hope to attend when I’m older.

The day: For something that looks rather bleak from the outside, the house is pretty amazing. It’s seriously big, and no one was home, so we let ourselves in and stayed on the balcony. There’s a lake out back, but sadly, not swimmable, thanks to a rather evil, rabid population of snapping turtles. I started my Artemis Fowl book (which rocks) and have been reading and hanging with my younger cousins, Laura and Daniel (coincidentally, the names of 2 of my best friends). We went to the beachfront for a while too, and spotted a crab exoskeleton *cough* marine biologist *cough* (ambition in life ^.^). We also saw what looked like a flat fish (which I later discovered turned out to be a giant crab), which couldn’t decide whether it liked the shore or sea. I’m willing to bet if my Nonna was there, she’d have insisted it had rabies.

DAY 2 – July 6th

(forgot to put the time O.o)

*sploosh* and off to the beach.

Quote of the Day: “We cross the river at nightfall.”
~~Right, Aragorn, and are devoured by snapping turtles.~~

music: None

Status: looking very sexy in bathing suit and skirt.
Shut up, ego.

3:13 PM

CRAB! (crazy rabid aquatic beast)

music: Damn…. For some reason the Poptarts song is going on in the back of my mind….

The beach was quite exciting. Not carribean water, but close. We found crabs of all shapes and sizes: entrée crabs, appetizer crabs, main course jumbo crabs, and disembodied carcasses of crabs. We also saw a dead flatfish, which took a liking to a lady seated by the water and planted its dead self by her feet.

I also left a “Ryou was here” sign in the sand, a “MT + A = love” (MT=my mom, A=Aragorn) and a KR in a heart.

We might go minigorlfing later on. Should be fun.

Must go. Cousin alert. Impeding danger.

*dun dun dun duuuuun*

11:45 PM

music: Rabbit Run ~ eminem

No mini golfing tonight. Oh well. Tried 3 restaurants before we found a nice one called the Kettle n’ Hearth. Had Fish n’ Chips. I smell… *sniff* Sam Gamgee ^__^.

That was alright with me, though. Spent the entire night finishing my second Artemis Fowl book. To think that when I bought them I though “Okay, so I’ll finish my Jack Higgins book on the way, finish first Artemis Fowl book halfway through trip, and then read the other the rest of the time and on the way home.” Jeez, but if I believe that, I’ll believe anything. Not to say the books weren’t good. They were excellent.

Going back to the beach tomorrow. Arg. Too tired. I did make the mistake today of not putting lotion on my lower legs and feet, then sitting half in the shade and half in the sun. Now the skin beneath my knees and my feet are burnt red. The rest of me is still incredible pale, even in Artemis standards… (I live in book references. Good God.).

I’ll see if I can get away with a few sketches now. I already did on of Holly Short; came out pretty cute. Been thinkin’ of doing one of Artemis, already have a mental picture of him, handsome young Irish criminal mastermind that he his. I’ll do one of Opal Koboi as well. Hey, I know, she’s sort of a bitch and all, but she’s still cool. Reminds me of Kate Rashid. (Book reference. Must get self to start living in real world.)

DAY 3 – July 7th
3:20 PM

I am cooked and ready to serve.

Quote of the Day: “Roar.”
~~Random orc (i’m not feeling creative, mkay?!)~~

music: My Vietnam ~ pink

*rubs salt outta eyeballs* 2 days in a row at the beach. Can’t believe I’m not dead yet. And I still have to re-read one of the chapters in Artemis Fowl (cuz I feel like it) and translate the fairy alphabet (not to mention memorize it, but that’ll be easy for me).

The beach was okay. I had no book, so I sketched. Finished my pic of Artemis (who looks incredibly handsome) and did one of Opal Koboi, who is pretty much Kate Rashid with pointy ears.

I also swam a helluva lot more than yesterday, underwater with my goggles. Then there was the incident.

Ah, yes, the incident. I was gliding along below the surface, minding my own business, when this tiny green fish shoots out right in front of me. I don’t know why, but I decided to go after it, plunging through the sand. I was right on its tail when all of a sudden, the thing double-backs and comes straight for me. I freaked and got myself a mouthful of salt water. There goes my career in marine biology.

I also got cooked pretty bad. You’d think I’d’ve learned since yesterday, and I had, just my sunscreen didn’t seem to want to cooperate. I got these bad burns on my shoulder along the lines of my bathing suit, so it looks like I was stabbed pretty badly. Not far from the truth.
My leg isn’t any better, either. If anything it’s worse, and it really hurts. I need a hug.

Oh, and the rest of me is still as pale as death.

8:10 PM


Quote of the Evening: “Fowl! Open this door, you pasty-faced weasel!”
~~Holly, how ungrateful, he just saved your life~~

music: The Forbidden Pool ~ ttt soundtrack

I have become a slave to my cousins’s will. We went out to dinner and then the grocery store (interesting, the stuff they have here that Montreal doesn’t) and now, I have become a constant source of entertainment to them.

As with my step-brothers, I don’t usually have time to play, and often scold them for making trouble. You have to understand – I’m not that much of a little kiddies person. Give me a Harvard graduate to have a scientific conversation with, I’m there, but a six and a four year old? Nope. But I guess sometimes my lighter half gets the better of me, and I chased them around the grocery store as if I was no older than they were.

Now I’m showing the older of the two, Laura, how to write some names. It’s quite cute watching her concentrate fiercely on her letters. I then sung Gollum’s Song for her. She liked it. She thinks my headphones are a guitar.

D’Arvit, I just remembered. I was s’posed to get a book. Another bookless night. I can’t go on like this.

Day 4 – July 8th

I’m willing to bet it’s 10:35, but with my numberless watch, who knows?

Quote of the Day: “We who are about to die salute you.”
~~The Romans, later quoted several times by Sean Dillon~~

music: The Black Gates are Closed ~ ttt soundtrack (Barad-dur theme)

*dun dun dun duuuuun*
okay, I’m sane.
*clears throat and takes on a very Artemis-like air*
Right. To business.

We we’re s’posed to go to Provincetown today (don’t ask me where that is or what it’s famous for). But it seems there’s been a change of plan. I’m also going to mention we probably won’t be back till Thursday. Huh. Yeah right.

We’re probably going to be hanging round Yarmouth today, mini-putting and so on. There shall even be a chance to pick up a book. Excellent. I do believe I’m going for the third instalment in the Artemis Fowl series. I’ve taken quite a liking to it.

Must tend to my cousins now.
We who are about to die salute you

6:35 PM

Ta da!

music: Misery ~ pink

I’m going to have to make this quick since I’m trying to entertain my cousin and blog at the same time. Oh, wait, there she goes. She was hanging out with me downstairs and we were having popping rock candy. Quite interesting.

We did end up going to Provincetown after all. It was cool. I got a t-shirt. Yay. Tomorrow we’ll probably go down to Boston for the whole day. Am very excited. Want to see the Aquarium, university, and wharf.

I found a bookshop today, but when I asked if they carried the third instalment of Artemis Fowl, they said they didn’t even know there WAS third instalment. Pht. I’ll have to speak to someone about THAT. *switches on expensive-looking cell and dials up lawyer*.

I assume they have some chain like Chapters or Indigo in Boston, so I’ll check for it there. For now, I’ll busy myself drawing the characters.

DAY 5 – July 9th

8:00 PM

Moores *giggles* Throw in a little Armani and maybe some Savile Row ^.^

Quote of the Day: "I can escape, Holly. Look into my eyes and tell me that I can’t.”
~~Artemis*sniff*. He’s so brave.~~

music: Breath of Life ~ ttt soundtrack.

Well, an interesting day in Boston, to say the least. The trip started off, of course, with parking and finding out way towards the Aquarium.

I’d been to the Aquarium once before, and it was pretty cool. Needless to say I was attacked by another fish, this time in a tank. I really must reconsider my career choice. I did, though, notice a profile on one of the comps of their main marine biologist, dictating that she had a B.A. in biology and Minor in philosophy, which is basically what I’m aiming for.

At the gift shop, I got a nice dolphin poster for my room. I already have two: one depicting a twilight blue and purple moonlit seen called the Farthest Shore (it looks like something out of “A Wizard of Earthsea”). The other is a bit more colourful and looks like something out of Escaflowne. Coincidentally, it’s called the Majesty of Gaia.

Afterwards, we ate at a place called Legal Sea Foods (don’t ask me why it’s called that, I’d rather not know). What I did find out is that they made excellent Boston cream pie.

After that, we wandered around Quincy’s Market a little, and, at what I call Le Republic des Bananes (the Banana Republic ^.^;;) I got myself a pair of sexAY jeans (as if I need another pair.)

We finally found the equivalent of a US indigo: a place called Borders. I shall, however, look into suing them for not carrying a single manga. Needless to say, I got my hands on Artemis Fowl, so I might consider lifting the charges. I now have to make sure I don’t read the thing in ten seconds flat. I need something to read on the way back. The only disappointment I have is that we didn’t see the university. Ah well. I guess it can wait. I’ll be spending a few years there anyway. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a sketch to finish.

DAY 6 – July 10th

12:15 PM

The end

Quote of the Day: “The world will remember the name Artemis Fowl.”
~~Excerpt from Artemis’s diary, disk 1 (encrypted)~~

music: Samwise the Brave ~ ttt soundtrack

I did it. I finished the third Artemis Fowl. I’m sort of at a loss for words, something which doesn’t happen very often. It was... I don’t know. What you would’ve expected after reading the first two books, but more. It’s sad. Even at the end, when you know Artemis will regain his memory, it’s still sad. And I was sad to see Holly leave. Despite her stubbornness and suspicions against Artemis, she was still a cool character.

But Artemis… still my favourite. He’s the kind of character you fall in love with after opening the first page. I have a tendency to do that with characters from literature or anime. Main or minor characters. In literature: I was falling for Sean Dillon the moment I opened Thunder Point, as with Billy Salter when he was introduced later on. Scipio from The Thief Lord. Iorek, Lee, and Lord Adriel from His Dark Materials. Billy Weir and Mo’Steel from Remnants. I could go on.

I doubt there will be a fourth Artemis Fowl. But, as I’ve done before with so many other great stories, I can retreat to the world of fanfiction where there’s bound to be something decent.
For now, I think I’ll sketch.

3:13 PM


music: U Wanna Be Me ~ nas

We’re going to the beach. It’s cold. It’s late. To put it simple: it’s stupid.

I offered to stay at the house. I always stay alone at home. My mother refused. Absurd – this neighbourhood is ten times safer than St Laurent.

I’m not even going to swim. Pht.

12:05 AM (in da morning. Yep.)


music: Adrenaline Rush ~ obie trice

I HATE this bathroom downstairs where we’re staying. I’ve seen at least four bugs in there today. This morning, a daddy longlegs which I killed with my moms’ slipper, another one in the shower which I drowned, and what appeared to be a flying ant later on, which scared the hell out of me.

The latest one was the worst. I came in to brush my teeth, minding my own business, and I turn around, and here’s this giant, monstrous, thing on the floor, right in front of the door. I mean, it was scary as hell. And bugs scare me. Not many natural, physical things scare. But bugs? I got a phobia or somethin’, I reckon. I even considered washing up upstairs since the bathroom was cleaner. But noooo, I had to go downstairs. I really need to listen to my instincts more. *sigh*. On another subject, there’s a chance I might be able to use the comp here. A miracle. I hope so. Fingers are crossed and eradicating aerosol is ready.

DAY 7 – July 11th

12:20 PM

Quote of the Day: “No, mademoiselle, I would not like to see the children's menu. I have no doubt the children's menu itself tastes better than the meals on it. I would like to order a la carte. Or don’t you serve fish to minors?”
~~I’d kill to have a conversation with Artemis. Finally, someone with a vocabulary equal to mine.~~

music: Places To Go ~ 50 cent

Going to museum. *sigh*. Bored. Wanna type. Wanna have a conversation with someone other than my cousins…hmm. Where’s Artemis when you need him?


music: Time of My Life ~ macy gray

Whew. Tired. It wasn’t so boring after all; the museum, I mean. Some cool stuff. We also hiked 45 minutes through marshland towards the beach. At the beach we contented ourselves by poking at snails and perriwinkles, then, exhausted, hiked back. And I was wearing my good cloths, mind you. My nice Levis jeans are now full of sand. Lovely.

DAY 8 – July 12th

3:55 PM

Imma make u hate me cuz u ain’t me.

Quote of the Day: “Trust me. I’m a genius.”
~~Yup. But can you compete with me, Artemis? *wink*~~

music: Rabbit Run ~ eminem

The beach. Again. I never thought I’d get sick of it. Well, I did. The water was freezing, so that didn’t help. At least I wasn’t attacked by anything.

Yesterday, we ended up going shopping at the Cape Cod equivalent of Winners. I got two shirts, and (believe it or not) a skirt. My mom actually told me that when I was very young, I was very girly and wore only dresses and stuff. *shivers* I can’t imagine that… but I was very cute. There are some pictures of myself on the wall by my room, and in one, when I was three, I REALLY looked like a hobbit. Short curly hair and everything. It’s quite funny. There’s another in grade one where there’s something in my eye; I actually look like I know something you don’t (Artemis!). Very cute.

Going home tomorrow. Finally. I wanna see eeeeeveerybody (that includes YOU, Kaiba-kun). Going to get together with Vero ad Dia too, hopefully.

And so ends my vacation!

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